Shamanism has its own ways of eliciting knowledge and guidance from the spirits and from the divine.  And there are many other ways people use to connect to nature and divinity throughout different cultures and the world.  One that has recently gained much popularity in the West is meditation.

There are many ways to meditate and reasons people undertake a meditation practice, but to me, meditation seems one of the most accessible ways to gain inspiration, clarity of the mind, and divine-guidance for finding one’s life purpose.

I find that when I meditate regularly, I am most aligned with my goals, my true self, and life just seems easier.  So, why is it so tempting to get busy and live a hectic life crossing-off items from my “To Do” list?

You should sit in meditation for 20 minutes every day—unless you’re too busy; then you should sit for an hour

-Old Zen Saying

I love this Old Zen Saying, as it is a good reminder that being busy can take over one’s life.  Let’s remember, as we begin this New Year, to just take a step back from our busy lives, sit in nature and open a clear channel to the Divine.

Kerry Hughes