Upcoming Events

Becoming the Family Shaman

By Lindsey Faucette & Kerry Hughes

September, 2023

Join this Deep Dive in a blended “East meets West” experience of personal healing led by an Herbalist and a Primary Care Doctor. Together, we will foster personal power, skills and the vision to create a more beautiful and healed family environment.


We have seen in our work that people seek a feeling of purpose or are faced with an overwhelming sense of duty as the healer for those around them; whether it be children, grandchildren, friends and others considered “family”. However, through the busy-ness and rush in our lives there is disempowerment, and the joy has been drained from what should be a loving and healing family environment.

Through this 4 session Deep Dive, we aim to call the power back to our participants to help them become the powerful healers that nature intended them to be. We will give understanding and teach skills on how to grow one’s own personal power first through one’s own healing journey before embarking on becoming the healing light of the family.

Once our internal light shines bright once again (like it did when we were born), we will then teach how we can extend it through our homes and in the interactions we touch out into the community. We will visualize and begin planning for the delight of creating our personal paradise in the home environment. While empowering participants with basic skills of home primary care, we will also foster spiritual and mindful exercises of healing within our participants that can be expanded out to others.

We want to guide you in developing a personalized experience of how to take care of yourself so you can live with purpose, health, beauty, mindfulness and build relationships that connect you to self, spirit, community and connection to one another.